Epicenter for this event (blue circle). You might need to zoom in to see the ShakeMap.

FAQ: What are earthquakes? Which earthquakes are dangerous? How can you protect your famility and property? What are faults and plates? Important terms explained.

General information about this earthquake:

Time: 2021-02-4

Magnitude: 3.1

Depth: 10.0 km

Felt: Ja

Damage expected: Keine Schäden erwartet

Fatalities expected: No data (machine generated post)

Origin: No data (machine generated post)

Tsunami: No data (machine generated post)

Links to all earthquake surveys in the world

Check out our Earthquake Impact Database to get all data for recent damaging earthquakes.
Source: www.emsc-csem.org. This is an automatically generated post. Earthquake data and other information here might be preliminary or completely wrong. We will manually adjust all changes as soon as possible and add further information of relevance if necessary.