Startseite » Haiti » Strong Earthquake (M5.5) in Haiti kills four

ShakeMap (Calculated intensity of the earthquake in Haiti, Jamaica, Cuba, Dominican Republic):

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Earthquake Summary

A strong earthquake of M5.5 occurred along Western segment of the Enriquillo–Plantain Garden Fault. The epicentre of the quake is located west side of the Tiburon Peninsula near the towns of Moron and Jeremie.

According to local media, several buildings collapsed in Jeremie as a result of the earthquake. A total of 4 casualties are reported so far including a woman and two children. More casualties are expected as authorities are searching for buried people.

There was a moderate foreshock M4.1 on 04 June on the same segment of the fault. In the same region, deadly earthquakes of M7.2 occurred on the central segment in 2021 resulting in 2200 casualties and M8.0 occurred on the Eastern segment of the Enriquillo–Plantain Garden fault in 2010. The Enriquillo–Plantain Garden fault forms the plate boundary between North America and the Caribbean.


Affected places

City Country Intensity (EMS-98) Population Distance epicenter (km) Description
Moron HT 6.8 1800 10.0 minor damage
Chambellan HT 6.4 1400 12.9 minor damage
Dame-Marie HT 6.0 6000 20.6 minor damage
Les Irois HT 5.3 2300 34.6 moderate, very minor damage
Corail HT 5.1 2800 39.1 moderate, very minor damage
Miragoâne HT 3.7 89200 124.6 weak
Léogâne HT 3.5 134200 171.3 weak
Guantánamo CU 3.3 272800 193.7 weak
Gonaïves HT 3.3 85000 186.5 weak
Saint-Marc HT 3.2 66200 171.6 weak

Current earthquake activity near Moron:

In Moron (map) 174 earthquakes larger than 4.4 were detected over the past 30 days. Therefore, the earthquake activity over the past month was much higher than usual (more than 20 % difference).

Summary of earthquake data:

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General information about this earthquake:

Time: 2023-06-06 09:11 UTC

Magnitude: 5.5

Depth: 9 km

Felt: yes

Damage expected: --

Fatalities expected: --

Origin: tectonic

Tsunami: --

Links to all earthquake surveys in the world

Check out our Earthquake Impact Database to get all data for recent damaging earthquakes.
Earthquake data: AYIT


Since 1960 348 earthquakes larger than Magnitude 4.0 were detected in this region. The average number of earthquakes in this part of Haiti, Jamaica, Cuba, Dominican Republic (near Moron) is 5.82 quakes larger than 4.0 per year. Therefore, the seismicity is usually high and quakes of magnitude 5.5 have a recurrence period of approx. 5.4 years (65 months).

Strongest earthquakes in this area

Date Magnitude Depth (km)
2021-08-14 12:29 7.2 0
2010-01-12 21:53 7.0 0
1977-09-13 18:12 6.6 0
2010-01-12 22:00 6.0 0
2018-10-07 00:11 5.9 0
2010-01-20 11:03 5.9 0
2017-01-17 09:08 5.8 0
2021-08-15 03:20 5.8 0
2010-01-13 05:02 5.8 0
2010-01-12 22:12 5.7 0

*Data: USGS-Catalog (since 1960)