Startseite » Japan » Strong Earthquake (M6.2) near Chitose, Japan

ShakeMap (Calculated intensity of the earthquake in Japan):

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Affected population

The earthquake with magnitude 6.2 occurred on 2023-06-11 09:54 UTC near Chitose, Japan. Erdbebennews calculates a maximum intensity of nan for this earthquake. In populated areas, the earthquake reached a maximum intensity of 5.7. Up to 1.2 mio people (in the map area) have felt this earthquake. Among them, 1.2 mio people live in regions with light or moderate shaking, where no significant damage is expected. -1 people live in areas where potential damage to buildings can occur, including 0 in areas with possible severe damage and destruction.

Intensity 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
affected people 269 48k 888k 284k 0 0 0 0 0
Intensity effects affected people
2 – 5.5 Felt shaking 1.2 mio
5.5 – 6.5 Minor damage 0
6.5 – 8 Moderate damage 0
8 – 10 Severe damage 0

Earthquake summary


Affected places

City Country Intensity (EMS-98) Population Distance epicenter (km) Description
Chitose JP 5.7 92900 38.6 moderate, very minor damage
Ebetsu JP 5.6 134000 70.7 moderate, very minor damage
Eniwa JP 5.6 0 48.9 moderate, very minor damage
Ishikari JP 5.6 57300 91.1 moderate, very minor damage
Abira JP 5.6 8300 32.4 moderate, very minor damage
Kitahiroshima JP 5.6 62400 57.0 moderate, very minor damage
Iwamizawa JP 5.5 85100 75.3 moderate, very minor damage
Sapporo JP 5.4 1883000 75.4 moderate, very minor damage
Otofuke JP 5.4 44200 116.8 moderate, very minor damage
Obihiro JP 5.4 173900 113.8 moderate, very minor damage

Current earthquake activity near Chitose:

In Chitose (map) 2101 earthquakes larger than 4.5 were detected over the past 30 days. Therefore, the earthquake activity over the past month was much higher than usual (more than 20 % difference).

Summary of earthquake data:

FAQ: What are earthquakes? Which earthquakes are dangerous? How can you protect your famility and property? What are faults and plates? Important terms explained.

General information about this earthquake:

Time: 2023-06-11 09:54 UTC

Magnitude: 6.2

Depth: 123.3 km

Felt: yes

Damage expected: --

Fatalities expected: --

Origin: tectonic

Tsunami: --

Links to all earthquake surveys in the world

Check out our Earthquake Impact Database to get all data for recent damaging earthquakes.
Earthquake data: USGS


Since 1960 4202 earthquakes larger than Magnitude 4.0 were detected in this region. The average number of earthquakes in this part of Japan (near Chitose) is 70.05 quakes larger than 4.0 per year. Therefore, the seismicity is usually very high and quakes of magnitude 6.2 have a recurrence period of approx. 2.3 years (28 months).

Strongest earthquakes in this area

Date Magnitude Depth (km)
1971-08-18 23:10 8.2 0
2003-09-25 19:50 8.2 0
1971-08-18 13:20 7.9 0
1994-12-28 12:19 7.8 0
1993-07-12 13:17 7.7 0
1993-01-15 11:06 7.6 0
1983-05-26 02:59 7.4 0
2003-09-25 21:08 7.4 0
1971-08-02 07:24 7.1 0
1977-09-10 18:01 7.1 0

*Data: USGS-Catalog (since 1960)