Startseite » English » Indonesia » Strong Earthquake (M6.4) near Yogjakarta, Indonesia

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Earthquake summary

Strong earthquake of M6.4 hit the Indonesian main island of Java. region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. According to BMKG, the earthquake occurred at a depth of 25km, and the epicentre was in the Sea 86 Km Southwest of Bantuland and around 100 km south of the city of Yogjakarta. The tremors were felt extensively throughout Bali and Java. The intensity of the earthquake reached a level of V-VI on the European Macroseismic Scale (EMS-98). which suggests that there is a slight likelihood of infrastructure damage due to the higher intensity.

There is no danger of a tsunami due to the earthquake. The subduction zone off the south coast of Java is the source of this earthquake, and it is one of the world’s most active plate boundaries.

Update 16:07

Reports surfaced on social media of several houses sustaining damage in Yogjakarta. Images and videos showed cracks in the walls and ceilings of the affected houses. Fortunately, there have been no reports of injuries so far. Residents in Pacitan also reported damage to several houses, with some partially collapsed.


Affected places

City Country Intensity (EMS-98) Population Distance epicenter (km) Description
Srandakan ID 5.9 29500 78.7 moderate, very minor damage
Bambanglipuro ID 5.9 44700 78.5 moderate, very minor damage
Pandak ID 5.8 56000 82.7 moderate, very minor damage
Sewon ID 5.7 73600 88.8 moderate, very minor damage
Bantul ID 5.7 58700 86.5 moderate, very minor damage
Yogyakarta ID 5.5 636700 96.9 moderate, very minor damage
Surakarta ID 4.9 555300 144.8 slight
Purwokerto ID 4.6 217200 163.0 slight
Madiun ID 4.4 186100 193.8 slight
Pekalongan ID 4.4 257900 197.7 slight

Current earthquake activity near Srandakan:

In Srandakan (map) 1320 earthquakes larger than 4.5 were detected over the past 30 days. Therefore, the earthquake activity over the past month was much higher than usual (more than 20 % difference).

Summary of earthquake data:

FAQ: What are earthquakes? Which earthquakes are dangerous? How can you protect your famility and property? What are faults and plates? Important terms explained.

General information about this earthquake:

Time: 30-06-23 12:47 UTC

Magnitude: 6.4

Depth: 25 km

Felt: yes

Damage expected: --

Fatalities expected: --

Origin: tectonic

Tsunami: --

Links to all earthquake surveys in the world

Check out our Earthquake Impact Database to get all data for recent damaging earthquakes.
Earthquake data: BMKG


Since 1960 2640 earthquakes larger than Magnitude 4.0 were detected in this region. The average number of earthquakes in this part of Indonesia (near Srandakan) is 44.02 quakes larger than 4.0 per year. Therefore, the seismicity is usually very high and quakes of magnitude 6.4 have a recurrence period of approx. 5.7 years (68 months).

Strongest earthquakes in this area

Date Magnitude Depth (km)
1994-06-02 18:17 7.8 18
2006-07-17 08:19 7.7 20
2009-09-02 07:55 7.0 46
2013-06-13 16:47 6.7 9
2011-04-03 20:06 6.7 14
1998-09-28 13:34 6.6 152
1994-06-03 21:06 6.6 26
1985-10-09 01:15 6.5 154
2017-12-15 16:47 6.5 90
1974-09-07 20:43 6.5 33

*Data: USGS-Catalog (since 1960)